Make your dream 
come true

Speaker · Storyteller


Inspirational speaker
Enthusiastic and authentic, storyteller born, Giselle Rufer is a creative and visionary entrepreneur. Inspirational speaker, moving storyteller, she shares her life and entrepreneurial experience with naturalness and generosity.
Conférencière inspirante
Her message
It is our aspirations, our sincere goals that make us alive. It is in them that is the source of real happiness. Also, I encourage my audience to dare to dream big. To dream, but also to have the audacity to pursue their dreams carrying its realization
Its medium
Storytelling or the art of telling stories to stimulate the imagination and break down the barriers of the rational. By cultivating our potential to dream, our unconscious releases capacities of realization and pushes the limits of the conscious.

Giselle Rufer

Her assets to guide you in your evolution

Let us have the audacity to revive the courageous, intrepid, sincere and authentic flame that lies dormant in us. Let us dare to leave the comfortable framework, to access something more alive: our achievement.
Giselle Rufer - Conférencière
01 Storytelling
A powerful tool for change. She likes to tell stories. The stories reassure the conscious and stimulate the unconscious. Without any effort, the real joins the imagination.
Giselle Rufer - L'Auteure

Writing is the fruit of her oral interventions. The story of her journey, of her life. A tale to inspire those who like to dream and believe in their realization.

Giselle Rufer - Entrepreneure
03The entrepreneur
In-depth expertise of the challenges and solutions that women encounter in the professional and personal field. The feminine experience of a life in entrepreneurship.
Giselle Rufer conférencière

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Speaker. Storyteller. Mentor

Dreams carry audacity
from their achievement